What It's All About

What It's All About

Psalm 8:1. “O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth.”

 Through Moses, God ordained the Jubilee year for the people of Israel.  It was a reset year: slaves were to be freed, property was to go back to its original owner, debts were to be forgiven.  It was to be a year of rest and freedom…a reset year.  The Jubilee year demonstrates God’s heart for compassion, an unparalleled expression of goodness and care for His people, surpassed only through the gift of His son, Jesus.

 Trusting and obeying a just and generous God with thanksgiving.   Looking back and looking forward.  Emmanuel International, this is OUR year of Jubilee.  This is our opportunity to praise God with all our hearts, souls, strength and minds.

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