Emmanuel: God with us
Since 1975, Emmanuel International has been partnering with churches to serve the underprivileged in our program countries. The core value of Emmanuel International is stated in our name: Emmanuel = God with us. Our passion is to share God’s message of love through Jesus’ gift of salvation, by walking alongside those in need through practical assistance of relief and development. By taking a grassroots approach directly with church and community, we promote sustainable interventions with environmentally sound methodologies.
Emmanuel International is a family, an international multi-cultural community of fellow servants caring for one another and serving together.
To see transformed lives of those in great need, as churches worldwide follow Jesus in serving their communities through wholistic ministry.
Our Mission is to encourage, equip and assist churches worldwide to serve the poor in holistic ministry.
The reason why EI exists is: “to encourage, equip and assist churches to serve the poor in holistic ministry.” We are committed to focusing our efforts on this mission; it is the primary aim of each of the respective EI countries in which we have influence or responsibility. The implementation of this mission and the strategies involved will vary for each country, depending on their specific context.
By ‘church’ we mean – An existing group of Christian believers with recognizable leadership whose primary aim is to meet together for worship, who can affirm the EI statement of Faith.
Statement of Faith
We believe: - in God’s triune nature: the unity of the Godhead of three equal persons. (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 28:19; II Cor. 13:14)
- The Father: a spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable in all
His attributes. (John 4:24; Ex 34.6);
- The Son, Jesus Christ: His deity, virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension and His imminent return for His bride, the church. (John 1:1; Isaiah7:14; Heb. 7:26; I Cor. 15:3-4; Acts 1:11);
- The Holy Spirit: His indwelling presence in the believer; His Baptism of all who believe in the Body of Christ; identifying us with death, burial, and resurrection to new life of Christ; His sealing of the believer for eternity. (John 14:17; Rom. 6:3-5; I Cor. 12:13; II Cor. 1:20-22).
We believe: in the Bible as inspired by the Holy Spirit, inerrant in the original writings and our guide and final authority in faith and life. (II Tim. 3:15-16; II Peter 1:20; John 17:17; Matt 4:4).
We believe: in man’s separation from God by sin; man’s total fallen nature requiring Christ’s atoning sacrifice for the reunion with God through salvation; man’s creation in the image of God resulting in the immeasurable intrinsic value of each human from conception to death. (Psa. 139:13-16; Eph. 2:1-3, 12-13).
We believe: in salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ as the sole means of attaining eternal life. (John 3:16; Rom 6:23; Eph. 2:8-9).
We believe: that Satan (who is called the Devil) is the personal enemy of the souls of men. (Rev. 20:2).
We believe: in the everlasting reward of the saved in heaven and the everlasting punishment of the lost in hell. (Matt. 25:26; Phil. 3:19-20).
We believe: in the church as the bride of Christ, in both its universal aspect, the whole body of those born again in the Spirit, and its local expression, the assembly established for worship and witness. (Eph. 1:22-23,5:25-32; Acts 15:41, 16:5).
➡ We are Christians who love and follow Jesus Christ.
➡ We uphold the truth of the Bible and seek to live according to its standards.
➡ We share Christ’s compassion for the poor, marginalized and vulnerable.
➡ We believe that submission to the Lordship of Christ and the good news of the Kingdom of God is central to addressing poverty in all its dimensions.
➡ We trust in God’s provision for our life and ministry.
➡ We acknowledge that God in his grace has entrusted us to be good stewards of the various resources with which to carry out His mission.
➡ We affirm the Church as God’s primary instrument for bringing about His kingdom.
➡ We are committed to strong and healthy partnerships with churches as the basis for our ministry.
➡ We commit to build the capacity of local churches and their communities in order that they are better equipped to address the root causes of poverty in a sustainable fashion.
➡ We commit to working with our partner churches to serve people according to their whole needs, regardless of race, religion, or gender.
➡ We recognize that, as people created in God’s image, we have physical, spiritual, and relational dimensions which are integrated to make us whole people.
➡ Addressing poverty integrates spiritual development with improved physical, psychological, social and financial health.
➡ EI is a family, an international multi-cultural community of fellow servants caring for one another and serving together.
Our Staff
Paul joined EI in 1980 and Helen in 1982. They married in 1984, and have 2 children, Graham and Merijam and three grandchildren! Experience with EI has been both in the home office in Stouffville as well as in multiple EI Project countries, in relief and development programs.
Paul became the International Director in December, 2018.