Things happen when a community gets together!
The community of Marabuhay, Mindanao had no access to potable water. Skin disease and diarrhea were constant problems. Trying to get water for their daily needs was expensive and difficult. The leaders of Marabuhay made this need known to Emmanuel Relief and Rehabilitation Philippines (ERRP).
Praise God with us that the all the funds needed for this water project in the remote village of Marabuhay, Mindanao have been raised. The project is being done in 3 phases.
Phase 1: Capping the spring, laying the piping and building the water reservoirs should take 3 months. There will be one large holding tank in the village for the community access the water. The community members are doing the work involved throughout the process.
Phase 2 will focus on operation and maintenance of the water scheme. This is expected to take another 9 months.
Phase 3 addresses the sustainability of the water site, which includes tree planting, periodic checking of the pipes, and scheduled cleaning of the reservoirs, among other things.
The heart of ERRP is that God be glorified through this project, that the community will hear the message that Jesus loves them and is offering them ‘living water.’