The work of Emmanuel International continues in 10 countries around the world. Every Tuesday morning, through ZOOM, these countries connect for updates and prayer. These updates are shared here to provide a glimpse into the ongoing service of Emmanuel International and our partner churches, serving those in need in our communities, wherever that is.
Strength & Dignity Update
"Nguvu na Hadhi" says, 'Keeping Girls in School Is A Must'
The “Nguvu na Hadhi” girls’ health project, which is empowering girls “…to take care of their changing bodies…”, is expanding their interventions. One practical facet of encouraging girls to stay in school...
Response to Super Typhoon Rai
Emmanuel International works together to assist communities devastated by Typhoon Rai.
Typhoon Rai (Odette) hit the Southern Philippine islands on Dec. 16, 2021. It devastated provinces of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao with its strength of around 200 kms/hour and winds of up to 270 Kms/hr. It made...
Things happen when a community gets together!
The community of Marabuhay, Mindanao had no access to potable water. Skin disease and diarrhea were constant problems. Trying to get water for their daily needs was expensive and difficult. The leaders of Marabuhay made this need...
More Good News for Tanga
EI Tanzania's partnership with TAG in Tanga is moving forward.
It has been 6 months since we introduced Edward and Joshua, new EI Tanzania missionaries tasked with developing a new partnership with the Tanzania Assemblies of God church in Tanga, Northeast Tanzania.
Time to Celebrate!!
Bible School Graduates "from every tongue, tribe and nation!"
Six men have graduated from The Cades Barneia Bible Institute led by the Terena Church in Brazil. Missao Emanuel do Brazil, directed by Fred Silva, is a steadfast supporter of the Bible Institute and the Terena Church. The Cades...
EI OFFICES: Canada, UK and US have online Christmas catalogs
Emmanuel International Canada has again this year provided a beautiful Christmas catalog that provides opportunity for giving meaningful gifts that meet the needs of people in countries around the world: *school materials for Brazil...