How are we doing?? January 16, 2025

How are we doing??  January 16, 2025

Psalm 33:11  “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever,  the purposes of his heart through all generations.”

 In 1993, an extensive evaluation of Emmanuel International took place.  The official name was “Institutional Assessment.”  EI and the Canadian gov’t, which had invested considerable funding for EI’s activities around the world, hired a consulting firm for a 6-month scrutiny.  Commented by then Director, Mark Middleton:  “The point that amazes some of you is that we at E.I. actually initiated the whole thing!” 

What were some of the questions EI was asking itself?  Do we have a unified ultimate objective?  Do we have interim objective to help us reach the ultimate objective?  Do we have the resources to achieve the interim and ultimate objectives?  Do we have the necessary commitment from each one who serves with EI to reach these objectives?  Do we believe that these objectives are from God and will make our ministry more relevant and effective?

Today, in our Jubilee year, we continue to ask such questions, always relying on our Sovereign God to keep us walking in His path, in His purpose and for His glory alone.

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Let the little children come.  January 9, 2025
Disaster Relief, January 23, 2025