Let the little children come. January 9, 2025

Let the little children come.  January 9, 2025

Psalm 116: 5  "The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of  compassion."

A three-year development program of the Jamaica Evangelistic Mission/JEM was completed in April, 1992.  Part of this program included the development of a sports area at the local school.  The communities of Greencastle and Shawberry completed their water tank construction out of ferrocement, health and craft classes.  Three churches completed a Bible study series together.   Schools were included in reforestation education which included the children taking seedlings home for planting near their homes.

 In Malawi the same year, Child-to-child Health programs took place in two schools where 200 children were taught about malnutrition and prevention of diarrhea, among other things.  Anita Sayers Long taught the Child-to-child curriculum during her 2 years in Jimu, Zomba, Malawi.  In 2018, Anita returned with her family to visit the area and was greeted by name and with great joy by some who had been her students!


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